As the war between Israel and Hamas nears the one-year mark, and the situation in Gaza continues to worsen, you have questions. Perhaps you agree that the Hamas attack on October 7 was evil and 1,200 people murdered is horrible, but surely tens of thousands of Gazans reportedly killed is too much? Why so many civilian casualties?

Or maybe you’ve heard the accusations from international leaders and world bodies of oppression, occupation and apartheid, and you wonder if Hamas’s attack might have been justified—logical even.

Then there’s Israel’s narrative, citing history, archeology and ancient roots based on a biblical promise. Truth or propaganda? Is Israel the rightful owner or occupier of the land? Guilty of indiscriminate killing or operating as the most moral army? A perpetrator of genocide or defending its people from annihilation?

The Israel Unfiltered investigative series interviews the people with the answers to these questions. Follow along with Christian, Jewish and Arab historical, military, religious and political experts for an insiders view of Israel, the Palestinians, Hamas and the Middle East in the shadow of war.

Meet the Experts

For only

US $15

What You’ll Get:

  • Unlimited access to the investigative series

  • Ten 40–60 minute episodes

  • Insight from world-renowned experts

What You’ll Learn:

  • The history and claims to the most contested piece of land on earth

  • Origins and evolution of the term Palestine and Palestinians

  • The critical context to the conflict in the Middle East

  • Western mindset vs. radicalism—and the confusion it causes

  • Retaliation or self-defense: Israel’s strategy against Hamas

  • Human shields, tunnels and martyrdom: Is Hamas really that cruel?

  • October 7: The aftermath through a first responder’s eyes